Genre: an interactive experience
Hardware: Webcam
Software: Unity (C#), OpenCV
Time: April 2023
Position: Individual project

Oh my, we’re flying in the sky!


An interactive experience that immerses one on a flight while requiring eye detection by a Webcam and OpenCV.


The inspiration comes from a flight. I usually prefer a seat by the window, but the pay-per-seat rules of some airlines prevent me from doing so. On that flight, I was crammed in the middle seat surrounded by glowing screens. With the window closed, I couldn’t see any glimpse of the sky. “Oh my, we’re flying in the sky!” I felt engulfed by frustration, so I decided to put on headphones and take a nap. What was playing at that moment was Bedford Falls by an amazing Musician, ford.

As the music began, all the negative emotions evaporated. “Oh my, we’re flying in the sky.” I thought it again but with a completely different mindset. It was intriguing to realize how the environment and sound could significantly impact one’s emotions. I believe something in that experience transcends reality and leads me out of that frustration. I decided to recreate it in a way that I am good at.

Interactive media has the powerful strength to work as an “empathy machine.” While blurring the boundaries between reality and the virtual world, it creates a unique space for self-expression as well as makes the story emotionally accessible to a broader audience.

Design Process

Project Display