I am a game designer, technologist, and a storyteller. I believe stories are transformative through multiple media, and I seek to explore how ‘play’ forms beyond screens. Starting in 2018, I dived into interactive media while studying Digital Media Technology at the Communication University of China. I continued my academic journey at the University of Southern California, completing my graduate degree in Cinematic Arts (Media Arts, Games, and Health). Leveraging my software programming skills, I am keen on experimenting with different technologies (AR and alternative devices, including Arduino, Leap Motion, Eye-tracker, and Webcam) to enhance immersion and engagement.
“Play” is a natural instinct shared among all human beings despite the diversity in regions, cultures, and languages. I believe that “play” is more than just an experience; it is a wordless language capable of creating a meaningful impact on those who engage with it. My research centers on the meaningful impact of interactive media, while a big part of my practice revolves around experiences that can be emotionally accessible to a broader audience.