Genre: 3D narrative game
Software: Unity
Date: October 2022 ~ Jan 2023
Position: Game Designer, Programmer


Toby, an adolescent bear, has to use the clues left behind by his arch-nemesis B, to solve the case of his missing honey and ultimately face his fear of heights.

Experience Goal

Players will feel heart-warmed and adventurous while unraveling a mystery in a lighthearted environment.


  • Partnered with artist/designer Sammy Chuang and writer/designer Alison Seidner to create a heart-warming 3D mystery interactive story piece that merges innovative gameplay and cute art style under a strict 6-week production timeline.
  • Responsible for the main technical implementation including architecture, level progression, game mechanics, etc.
  • Participated in the brainstorming and ideation process and co-created paper, digital prototypes and design deliverables.

Paper Prototype

Digital Prototype

Design Deliverables